Rural Pennsylvania Barn ~ Country Folks

Farmer Don

Old hay bales directly behind Don's Barn.
His daughter lives about a mile away in the old school house across the valley next to the old church up on the hill. You can see the white church in the picture.

This is the view from our old 1953 Stewart Trailer.

We purchased a small piece of land in rural Pennsylvania in the mid 1970's. There is a large farm next door. Farmer Don and Ilse,  his legal secretary wife,  live there. They are super hard working people. They are both in their early eighties. Ilse still works part time. Don did have pigs and cattle and raised corn and hay on his farm but recent health concerns have limited the things that he can do.  He leases out his fields to another farmer now. His animals have been sold. 

 This week we were unable to start our mower. We went away to find some parts. When we got back Don had our lawn almost done. His mower was making odd noises and  sending up big clouds of smoke.  Russ got him to stop the mower. The blades were upside down and a belt was loose. Russ made a few adjustments to fix this so that the belt would not break.

Don pointed out the field of buttercups behind his house. They were beautiful.


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