OK~ I Admit It~ I have Always Been a Daydreamer!

Yes, I had ADD or ADHD before they had names for this condition.  When the teachers were teaching I was gazing out the windows or counting the spots on the ceiling.  When friends were talking I was making mental notes of what needed done at home. When someone was talking directly to me I was looking beyond them at something else. It is a wonder that I have retained any information or friends at all. This inattention affliction has been with me for all my life.

Don't call out the white coats though unless you have never looked at a cloud and saw something there. I really don't think this is an abnormal thing. Some of the most famous and creative people in the world have been daydreamers. The key it not to let it take over your life. It is a great stress buster.


See my friends from a camping trip below. Click on pictures once or twice to enlarge.

Heavy eyebrows!

A lot of imagination has to be used for this one.

A long face!

This tree turned around when it saw me coming to take a picture.


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