Would I Be Considered a Bad Neighbor?

There was an article in the Beacon Journal yesterday morning that made me wonder what it is that  is really important in life to some people.

There are feuding neighbors in a nearby town. One neighbor is complaining that the newer neighbor is feeding the birds, does not trim shrubs in the correct way, has planted a bush that might attract birds and wildlife, does not trim trees in the correct way, has a compost pile and that they see some chipmunks and birds in the yard. The complaining neighbors have no trees and they consider their yard to be perfect. They have called there bird feeding neighbors "bad apples".

This dispute actually hit the national headlines when a city councilman tried to pass a law regulating bird feeders. He withdrew his request after getting the unwanted attention from the national media.

The friends of the birds are putting up an expensive privacy fence.
As I see it there are more pressing issues in the world to worry about than whether or not your neighbor has different tastes in landscaping or bird feeding than you do. Perhaps the complaining neighbors would be happier living in one of the allotments where there are strict allotment association rules for landscaping, grass care and house paint colors.

 Maybe some volunteerism in a place where they would encounter problems much worse than some birds being fed or a bush being trimmed would be helpful in changing their minds about what is really important.

All this leads me to wonder how my neighbors view us. Well, one of them reported our septic tank problem as soon as he moved here. It cost us a huge amount of money to put sewer along the street and into our home. Please refer to the following post by clicking on the word sewer. I am still not ready to write a long story about that situation.


Hopefully our neighbors will not report our bird feeders, unruly trees, weeds in the yard and the lovely natural meadow areas on our property. We prefer to have choices in our lives.


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