Road Closed for Repairs

We usually have our trash collected on Monday but since that was a holiday the pick up day would have been Tuesday. Our recycle bin got emptied and when we saw the trash truck fly by late in the day we thought they would return as usual and pick us up next. That did not happen. Perhaps a temporary employee did not know that our trash was on their list. We called the trash company the next morning as their office was closed by the time the truck went by. They said that one of their trucks would be in Stow the next day and they would catch us. That did not work either. The city trucks parked in front of the house early on Wednesday. They put up signs on both ends of the road and closed it to all but residents.

Russ rides his bike to work at times and he had noticed a long crack across the pavement. He looked at the culvert under that area and realized that the water was running in a channel in the dirt around the culvert and it was undermining the pavement. He reported this to the city a few weeks ago. They chose Wednesday to tear up the road and replace the long culvert. The road was closed all day.

We still have our stinky trash so we will have a large batch for next Monday. Thank goodness there will be a few cooler days. The heat brings out the worse odor in full trash cans. We have to keep them in the garage as the raccoons, dogs and coyotes tear up any trash left out in the elements.


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