Old Outhouse Out of Service ~ New Outhouse in Service ~ Life at Camp

Sometimes when you are camping away from home we don't have all the facilities that we take for granted in our homes. Our camp has electricity and bottled gas for cooking but no water or sewer lines. We have to carry water to our old trailer. Dishes are done in a dishpan with water heated on the stove. In really cold weather a thunder mug can be used inside the trailer but the primary toilet is outside.

The old wood outhouse that we started out with years ago has decayed badly. There were holes shot through it within a month after it was put in place. Spiders, wasps and other bugs found this to be an attractive place to set up housekeeping.

It would be difficult to even stand inside the old structure now. The backward tilt makes it quite unstable.  We found an old fiberglass john a number of years ago and painted it a neutral color to blend with the surroundings. It is a bit hot in the new toilet on a hot day and not a place to spend a lot of time if you don't have to.

We really do need to get busy and haul that old outhouse to a burn pile. Maybe next time we camp that will happen.

When you are camping you should not have all the creature comforts that you have at home. The area in which our camp is located is almost dead to cell phone reception. If you go outside and stand at the top of the hill in the field you can get enough bars to call out.  Dropped signals are not unusual though. There are only a couple of radio stations that play the type of music that we like. Sometimes these stations do not come in very well. TV reception is only available by dish. There is no DSL or cable service in this rural spot.

All that does not matter to me. I like to read, walk in the fields and woods and just relax and listen to the birds.


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