My Wild Yard is Filled with Blooms

For the last few years we have kept the entire yard mowed down except for the areas where the tall decorative grasses grew. The mowing was necessary in order to eliminate some of the woody growth that had invaded the area.

Now, as in the past, we have let most of the yard grow up into wild areas again. We  do the mowing in these areas once a year.  Paths are cut around trees and throughout these wild areas for ease of care and to make walking paths. The yard in front of and behind our home is kept mowed so as to avoid the wrath of the neighbors who have "perfect" lawns.

The tall grasses provide plenty of cover for wildlife and the wildflowers that grow there naturally provide an ever changing palette of colors. White daisies and yellow flowers are growing in large areas of our grasslands at this time. It is much more satisfying for me to walk through our nature paths than it would be to walk on a carefully manicured lawn with no color variations.


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