My Wednesday Nature Walk ~ Observations

The swampy area at the bottom of the hill on our property has lots of vegetation in and around it. The deep voices of bullfrogs ceased as soon as I got close and loud plops could be heard as the frogs sought safety in the water.

Some pretty low growing yellow flowers graced the edges of the bank of the murky water.

Only one path is mowed around this large hill now as we have let a large part of the yard grow into meadows and wild flower areas. It is a steep climb back up to the house.

Many children and even adults have gone down this steep hill on sleds.

There is lots of poison ivy along one side of the path up to the house.

The seed heads on some of the grass in the meadow areas have a violet color. This is very pretty.

I surely do enjoy cool days such as this day has been. It makes the walk even more pleasurable.


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