Another Wednesday Nature Walk ~ Things I Can See From My Windows

These pretty flowers are in the meadow areas.

The flowers below are outside of my side window.

This area outside my living room windows has been planted with some ground cover and flowers and allowed to grow wild each year. It makes me feel like I am in the woods when I look out of that side of the house.

The gnarled green apples on the tree down by the road will mature in July. The deer poop below that tree is so thick that I needed to walk very carefully through the area. They eat the little immature apples that fall as well as the apples that fall after they are ripe. I have seen the deer stand on their hind legs to reach the tasty morsels.

The seed heads in the tall grass impart a misty appearance to the areas leading down to the swampy area. We can see this from our living room. We need to plant even more trees and make our yard into a woods.


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