How I make a pomander

Ingredients: oranges and some whole cloves.

Whole cloves can be purchased for less in bulk containers or in a store that sells in bulk quantities. Poke a hole in the orange with a sharp pin or other sharp object and insert a whole clove. You can make patterns on the orange with the cloves or cover them almost completely as shown in the picture. A lime was used for the smaller pomander. Thinner skinned lemons would work well also. The cloves preserve the fruit. There are recipes for rolling the finished pomander in powdered spices but I found that messy and not necessary. I prefer the simple and traditional way of making them.

The sharp cloves are a bit hard on the fingers so you may wish to wear some protection. If you poke the hole you can let your children push in the cloves.

Tie a ribbon around the pomander, leave it plain or embellish it with some holiday sparkles or tiny bulbs. Add some netting or lace around the pomander and tie it with a ribbon. The end product will be your own creation. They make a great gift.

I have a few orange pomanders that were made many years ago and they still impart a scent. The fruit is preserved by the cloves and it dries out after a time.

Happy Holidays To All!


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