Let it Snow Let it Snow Let it Snow?

More Snow Than Expected

Snow was expected but when we woke up to about 10" of the fluffy white stuff it was a surprise. At our age this is not a good surprise. It is very scenic and pretty but when you need to go somewhere it is an obstacle to be overcome.

 The long driveway must be cleared so that we can leave. A narrow path had been made when this picture was taken as the trash must be taken to the road and newspapers had to be retrieved from the box. Mr. snow plow man meant to park the suburban in front of the barn so that there would be a clear path in front to bring the tractor out. Now that area must be shoveled by hand. The plow will be hooked up and  our drives will be cleared.

It does not stop there. Mr. nice plow guy then plows three neighboring drives. The 85 year old twin WWII veterans down the road both get their drives done and the next door neighbors who are unable to plow or shovel because of health concerns get theirs done also.

We get year long gifts from these neighbors of farm fresh eggs, sweet corn, fresh  produce, home made sauerkraut, home made soup and dinners etc.

More snow is expected today. At this point though we are hoping that this is not an indicator of how the Winter will go. Mr. nice snow plow man gets very tired.


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