Missing Our Good Weather Trips in Our 1971 Dodge Family Wagon

We found this wonderful old camper a few years ago in Marlboro Ohio on route 44. We were on a return trip from New Philadelphia when suddenly the brakes went on and the words "We have to go back and buy that van" were spoken. I had not been looking when we went by the small ice cream stand where the camper was parked with a for sale sign on it.

 We had been sleeping in our Suburban when we would go overnight to distant flea markets.  Sleeping in the Suburban was cramped and uncomfortable. The Dodge seemed to have most of what we needed to be more comfortable. The price was reasonable so it became ours.

It doesn't have some features that we would like but offers so much more comfort while traveling. It has large vents but no air conditioning. Most of the time this is not a problem. It has a great heater. The kitchen has a 3 burner gas stove with oven, sink and refrigerator. There is a small closet in the back that holds the porta-potty. The 2 back seats let down into a double bed.

There is a small propane heater which works but we don't use it. When the seats are let down into the bed position the covers actually touch the heater. Why didn't the designer think about that?

We have slept in it when the temperature went down to 28 degrees and have traveled in it when the weather reached 98 degrees. The heat was the worse to withstand.

We really don't like staying in motels at all any more so we have parked and slept in some places that have been a bit questionable. The worse that even happened was when a car pulled up beside the van and asked me if I was "Mrs. Grass".  I have to admit it looks like a hippie van but the guy was somewhat wrong. Usually people just ask what year it is because it is in remarkable condition for the age. It is being kept in the barn until Spring.


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