The Old Granary Next Door & Buzzards or Turkey Vultures

This old granary is next to our property. We tried to buy it when it was not leaning and might have been fixed. For the last few years it has housed transient buzzards or turkey vultures that arrive in the Spring and use it as their home until they leave in the Fall. They raise their young and hunt for road kill which seems to be abundant. Often they soar over our house land high in our trees. Maybe they are waiting for us!
  • Average Size: 26-32 inch body, 68-72 inch wingspan
  • Habitat: Found throughout the U.S. in both rural and urban areas, residing year-round in the lower, warmer states or migrating to the lower states in the winter.
  • Best Places to Spot a Turkey Vulture: garbage dumps, farmlands
  • Endangered, Threatened, or Protected?: Protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
  • May Be Mistaken For: Black Vulture, Bald Eagle


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