Red Sky at Night ~ Sailor's Delight

Red Sky at Night ~ Sailor's Delight

It is said that there is some truth to this saying even though it does not always hold true. The sky was more purple and mauve with some red last night and we woke up to more rain this morning. We were somewhat optimistic that the rain would stop when we took off and went to the Hartville flea market. The sun did come out and it has been a really nice day.

There was a large crowd of buyers at the flea market this day before Mother's Day. The sellers offered lots of hanging flower baskets and pretty flower plants.  It is great that the weather has improved for this holiday weekend.

The produce prices seemed extra good today. Strawberries were 8 quarts for $3.00 which at 37 and a half cents a quart is incredibly cheap. A peck of Gala apples for $4.00 seemed a great bargain and 4 bunches of green onions cost a dollar. Cantaloupes were one dollar each and a big bunch of asparagus was also a dollar. We came home with lots of fruit and veggies so supper tonight will feature some of this fresh produce.

Click on the link below to read more weather lore on Wikipedia,

Wikipedia ~ Red Sky


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