Will This Weather End ~ Adverse Effects on Flea Markets

A dry day between raindrops.

Wind and Rain at Hazen Pennysylvania Flea Market

Many people that sell at outside flea markets do it because it is a necessity. They sell anonymously to add to augment their incomes. Some are on disabilities and small social security checks. Unfortunately the economy is such that their income does not extend to cover basic needs. The weather forecast for the next 10 days includes only a couple of days without rain.

The buyers are adversely affected also. Antique dealers find many of their shop items at flea markets and without these their income is also impacted.

We love the fresh fruits and vegetables that are available at the flea markets. Most of these produce vendors sell under the pavilions and they rely on large crowds coming in to see the items that outside sellers have so certainly this bad weather affects them also.


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