Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and those who have the  role of mothers in the lives of others.

We went to a flea market that takes place in Litchfield, Ohio this morning. The muddy grounds were not great for sellers or buyers. There were not many setups in the mud and the Mother's Day holiday seemed to keep buyers at home. 

We saw an owl fly overhead as we traveled up Route 303 through the national park area. A dead coyote laid along the road when we turned on 271 to head toward Medina. The ride back home in the sunshine was nice because the sun on the Spring blossoms and flowers bought cheer to my heart. It seems like we could have a few dry sunny days in a row and that makes me very happy.

A word of caution to those who may choose to travel through the town of Peninsula in the Cuyahoga Valley. Small towns often get their funding from unwary drivers. The speed limit is posted at 35 MPH along the state highway in this town. Be sure to go at or under this speed. We were warned by flashing headlights by another motorist but we already knew about this local speed trap town. The policemen hide at the cemetery and in other driveways. They did have one motorist pulled over when we approached the main intersection. Peninsula has a great deal of small town charm as it does not have new shopping centers or large gas stations. It is a popular place for bikers to stop for breakfast as they get ready for their daily rides.

It is a wonderful day!


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