Did This Product Work for Me? ~ A Super Clean Review

Often we buy products by how they look on the shelf or how we like the advertisements. This product was recommended to me by someone who has had to clean tough dirt. We burn wood in a wood burning stove in our living room. When the stove is opened to add wood there are puffs of smoke that come out of the front. This smoky dirt travels up to the ceiling and the surrounding wall areas. This type of soil can be very difficult to clean. A friend told me to go to the Walmart automotive department and get some Super Clean.

Rubber gloves should be used while using this strong degreaser and cleaner even in the diluted forms for light cleaning. I was happy that this product actually worked. We have hard water and this cleaner cleans up the hard water stains along with dirt and grease that other cleaners have not worked on.

I used it in a diluted form in the kitchen today and it did a great job on the textured surface on the refrigerator. It leaves a nice clean looking shine on chrome. It is always nice to find a product that really works.


karen l. kirsch said…
You have NO dirt in your house. May I suggest that in order to REALLY test the efficacy of this product that you come down here and clean MY kitchen. Just a thought....

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