How Much Help Did He Need?

Russ has been repairing mowers and many other types of motors for over 50 years. Our Yazoo camp mower had been occupied by some mice this Spring. Their nests, chewing,  urine and droppings compromised the electrical parts and the mower would not start. It cost over $70.00 to buy the parts that he felt would be enough to repair the damage. As soon as we got to camp it was evident that the farmer next door had relatives visiting from South Carolina. Farmer D., on the left, and his son-in-law L., on the right,  were quick to appear when the repairs were started. It only slowed Russ down as he had to pause to talk. He listened to their advice as he made the repairs which he had done before. Finally the "helpers" got tired and left him so that he could finish. Russ was soon on the mower and on his way around the yard. His progress was only slowed by the "help".


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