Last Evening Seemed Rather Pleasant Until.....

I couldn't help but admire the beauty of the daisy type flowers in my little flower bed. They did need water so I gave them an ample amount to keep their beauty going. Then Russ called me over to the big barn as a female cardinal appeared to have used her body to try to move the large structure. The barn was the winner of course. Her lifeless body was tossed into the meadow area to serve as food for other animals.

While looking at the bird another discovery was made. There were two really large woodchuck holes burrowed under the cement floor. Now it is war on woodchucks. The holes could undermine the cement and a collapsing floor is not what we need. Then we discovered another of these pests under a wood floor building. They usually pile the dirt from the hole that they dig against the bottom of the building and this can cause the floor to decay. It really is the time to get rid of some of these invaders.


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