A Shopping Experience in the Great Big National Bird Super Market

I went into the "great big national bird" supermarket today to pick up some bread and a few other staples. I only bought a few things so that I could go through the speed checkout. I was waited on promptly by a young man. The fast service was appreciated but then he started talking. He said that the hot weather was making the business slow and he was glad about that. He was only interested in getting out of there with as little work as possible and going home early. I asked him what would happen if the business dropped off enough so that he was no longer needed. He replied that he was in a union and the employer could not get rid of him. Wow! I would not want him working for me.

I have been self employed for quite a few years and that attitude offended me greatly. I do hope that the market gives occasional training seminars and shows the employees how to give great customer service. A simple good morning and thanks would have been much more in order.


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