Look carefully at the top of the front fender. That tiny toad really liked the heat from the car because it did not move when Russ and a neighbor went to work checking some things out under the hood of my car. They watched carefully so they would not lay their hands on the toad but they did have their hands very close and it did not move. Our neighbor Harold who is working on the car is one of the twins that lives just down the road from us. The twins, Harry and Harold, are in their mid eighties, eighty-six to be exact. They used to drive identical trucks and cars. I was not good at telling them apart when I saw them individually back then. I always waved at their brown trucks as they drove past my home. Then I wondered which one had driven by. They supposedly are not identical but they look very much alike. I could always tell them apart when I saw them together. As they have aged there are more differences apparent and I know who I am talking ...