Views from the Pennsylvania Camp ~ Interesting Mushrooms etc.

 The thistles are just about done blooming and they are forming the traditional shaped seed head. 

Leaves on the stressed trees change color early. 

This type of mushroom takes many forms and is named for just what it looks like. 

An abandoned hornet's nest sits low in the branches. 

Two butterflies and a bee visit a butterfly weed. 

 Sassafras leaves come in three different shapes on the same tree. 

Sap oozes out of a tree over an old fence insulator.

Another picture of the butterfly weed. 

The beauty and diversity that one can find in the natural world have always intrigued me. I like to look at insects, flowers and other things to see how they grow and what insects are crawling around on them. Our visit to camp this weekend yielded many interesting sights. A few of them are shown in the pictures above. 


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