Pennsylvania Flea Market ~ Red Sky At Night

Just before sundown on Saturday evening the clouds turned a brilliant color. This picture was taken at a flea market near Pittsburgh. A few minutes later the color was gone and darkness arrived quickly. The forty-five degree overnight temperature seemed even colder than it was. We slept in our 1971 Dodge camper and did not turn the heat on. An extra blanket was added to the pile on our bed during the night. Climbing out from under the covers was a chilly affair and dressing was attended to very quickly. The layers of clothing that were needed early in the morning were shed one by one as the temperature approached the mid-sixties on Sunday. We were parked on a flea market grounds. Some people arrived early when it was quite cold dressed only shorts and a tank top. I know they were cold as some had blankets wrapped around their skimpy clothing. I always thought it was better to dress for how the weather is now with options for changes. We had nice clear sunny weather for this camping trip to a nearby Pennsylvania but the flea market yielded few bargains. That was a bit disappointing. 


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