A Day as Dark as my Mood

The day is as dark and dreary as my mood. The drizzle and rain have fallen intermittently since the time we got up this morning. It was dark when we awoke and it is still quite overcast and dark. The length of our daylight hours seemed to have decreased rapidly in the last few weeks. 

This morning I thought moving a box in the basement by giving it a shove would be a good idea. It was indeed a very bad idea. The pain shot through my body as one or more of my herniated back disks pinched a nerve. It was not as bad as I have had in the past but it has severely curtailed my activities today. I finally gave in and took half of a pain pill this afternoon. There is less pain now but I do indeed feel dull and out of sorts now. I am thankful there are lots of leftovers for dinner this evening. I am also thankful for having such a caring and helpful husband. 


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