Quiet Days are GOOD DAYS ~ ONE irritation ~ Traffic law breakers

There are many types of bees on the purple Penstemon flowers. 
A dragonfly waits to catch one for his dinner.

The abundant mushrooms are as pretty as a floral arrangement. 

So far the day has remained quiet and that is always a good thing.  There has been only one large irritation today. It happened on the way home from the store this morning. I always stop at stop signs and red lights as that is the law. Even though you can turn right on red you must stop first and then you may proceed if it is safe to do so unless there is a continuous turn on red sign. 

 I stopped at the stop sign one block from home and looked both ways as usual. Nothing was coming and no one else was at the four way intersection so I took off and headed home. There was one car behind me and as I went through the intersection I noticed a couple of other cars approaching from one direction. The car behind me proceeded through and rushed up behind me and turned on his bright headlights and tailgated me until he reached the entrance to the large new neighborhood across the street. 

I must explain that the people who live in the large housing project usually do not stop at the stop signs in this area. They just look as they approach the intersections and step on the gas if they do not see anything coming. I guess my old fashioned upbringing does not allow me to conscientiously break the law. This disregard for the traffic laws seems commonplace anymore and a policeman has explained that they are so busy that they can't stop this practice. It is only a problem for the law breaking driver if there is an accident caused by his stupidity.  

OK! Enough venting about that. The day was sunny after the heavy rains of last evening. More rain is expected later today and it is going to get colder. 


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