That Snow is Melting ~ No Sympathy Today

The snow melted quite a bit last night as the temperatures have been staying above freezing. It is slow enough though so that flooding is not a problem.

Mr. Plowman continues to cough and feel under the weather even though he just finished his second course of antibiotics. I am not feeding into his energy today though.

We went to a Valentine theme party on Saturday. A friend who I had not seen for a while sat beside me as we feasted on the great dishes that showed up at this covered dish party. She wore red for the holiday and she looked vibrant and healthy. As the evening went on she shared the fact that she had been diagnosed with a very serious illness but she has decided to go on living. She said that with a smile. I accepted her upbeat treatment of her condition and did not feed into feeling sorry and we went on talking about happy things. It is difficult to know how people will react to being  seriously ill. I think she is on the right track.


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