Little Action on the Bike Trail Today ~ Windy but Warmer

I traveled on the narrow path that has been made to the wood pile and then down a well traveled deer path to get a picture of the action on the bike trail behind our property. It appears that at least one cross country skier braved the deep crusty snow. Skiing on an ungroomed trail can be quite a challenge. There were other tracks that may have been walkers or perhaps deer trying to conserve their energy by taking the path that the skis made. A path of deer tracks crosses the ski tracks where they come across to make their way up into our yard. It was windy so I did not stay in the wooded area for too long lest a weak branch fall on me. A Pileated Woodpecker let out a raucous cry to tell me I was invading its territory. One of the downed branches in our yard seems to be providing food for rabbits or other animals as the bark shows chew marks. The warm sunshine and warmer temperatures made it a good day to soak up some Vitamin D.  It occurred to me that it would be a good day to make a snowman or have a snowball fight but I guess I was just not that into it.


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