Sauerkraut Salad ~ Great for Covered Dish Parties ~ Easy

 Men love sauerkraut salad. I made this dish for supper tonight using a 26 ounce jar of sauerkraut with carrot. It made a large amount. I often take this dish to parties because it is so fast and easy to make.

Sauerkraut Salad

1 large jar or can of sauerkraut drained
1/2 to 1 cup sugar
diced onions and celery ~~ 1/4 cup or so of each

Mix together and let it sit in the refrigerator for
a few hours.  I usually use only 1/2 cup of sugar because
it seems too sweet using 1 cup though many
recipes for this dish call for that much.
It is a great topper for hot dogs or burgers.
It can also be heated or fried in some olive oil and used
as a hot dish.


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