Keeping Proctor & Gamble in the Tissue Business

Yea! Russ is feeling somewhat better today. Hopefully he will kick this thing by the end of the week. The cough and runny nose are still with him. I recovered quickly after catching the virus last week with no treatment needed. We did use a lot of facial tissues however. It is interesting that the box is longer than the tissues. There is a big void in the box where there could have been more of the product. I view this as deception of the part of the manufacturer. Like most things that are sold today the size, number or weight has been changed so that we don't get as much for our money. One tissue can barely contain everything that happens with some sneezes and nose blows so you have to use a couple of them. I guess that is the master plan of the makers. We have gone through several of these big boxes of tissues since the virus hit.


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