Lots of Pictures ~ A Trip Around the Yard and Back

The moss garden is doing well. Ferns are being added slowly. I found a flower pot tray with no hole in the bottom today so it is being used as a bird bath or drinking pond. There is low moss growing in the areas that look dark in the pictures. I would like to cover the whole area with the bright green moss. 

I even place some moss in the crotch of the Japanese red maple tree. 

An old thorn apple is getting ready to bloom.

The large pine trees are sending out new growth. 

The large wetland area just across the bike trail from our back yard is filled with the sounds of Canada geese honking, quacking ducks and noisy frogs and toads. This is music to my ears. 

The sweet fragrant odor from the Russian Olive blossoms wafts through the air. I just want to stay near them and relish that sweetness. 

Toadstools grow at the base of a large dead tree. This is down over the big hill near the swampy wetland. 

When I was taking the above picture I hear a noise behind me. Yes, I was being watched. 

Nice job of camouflage!

This snake was more interested in getting away from me than watching me but I managed to get in a few fleeting shots. 

Back to the other side of the small moss garden. More will be done with this area as time goes on. It is a beautiful sunny warm day. 


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