The Good ~ The Bad ~ The Ugly ~ An Easter Sunday Drive through the Country

Above are two peaceful looking views of Lake Pippen near Brady Lake, Ohio. Very good!

A nice Spring day. Good!

Lots of pretty rose color blossoms. Good too!

A huge decaying tree trunk that looks like a big monster coming toward you. That is good too!

A farm that is well cared for. Very good!

An old farmhouse that does not get a lot of attention. Too bad!

A lady and a young man cleaning up trash along the road. Too bad that people throw their trash out but very good that someone cares to pick it up.

Graffiti on the Hudson Road underpass. Bad!

UGLY! The ignorant person who threw these 4 old tires in the wetlands should be greatly punished. This is really ugly and dangerous to our ecology.

Easter Sunday was a great day to take an afternoon drive around the Lake Rockwell area. Above are some of the things that we saw. The day was cool but sunny and the drive was mostly pleasant with some exceptions as you can see above.


karina said…
That old farmhouse is my very favorite place. I know exactly where it is and I love it!

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