Trashy People on The Hike & Bike Trail~An Upsetting View

You would think that the people who walk and ride bikes along the Metroparks trail would be mindful of the beautiful natural surroundings along the way. This does not appear to be true. I walked back to the wetlands area along the trail and was dismayed to see that it is littered all along the edge of the area just behind our property. I did not go much further than that area but I imagine that it is littered along the whole length. A long pole with a hook on the end will be required to get the items above removed.

I wonder if people just walk or ride there to be seen with their fancy bikes, fancy clothes and expensive dogs or if they are really enjoying the natural surroundings. It is easy to put a bag over your shoulder and put your trash into it until you get done with your walk or ride so that the trash can be disposed of in a proper manner. It was an upsetting thing for me to see this so I will most likely go out on the next nice day and pick up some of these items that the uncaring slobs left along the trail for others to deal with.


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