Somebody Has To Do It........

My brother liked to hike 5 miles every day in the Metroparks rain or shine
as the people above may be doing.

As we got off the elevator on the 7th floor I tried to strengthen my resolve not to get too emotional as we approached my brother's apartment. An odor lingers in the hallway outside of his door. That is nothing compared to being inside. Unfortunately not all people are found immediately after they pass away. The smell is probably unmistakable to those who deal with it in their jobs. It is a foreign and unwanted odor to me. We are the ones who survive and must do the cleanup. We thought it might have dispersed after the first day of cleaning but it seemed even stronger. I girded myself for the task at hand and tried to think positive thoughts. It is not easy to do. My sister and husband and I sorted through many items and threw out a lot of trash. A few hours of work at a time are enough as the air conditioner and open windows do not offer too much relief from the pungent odor that seems to permeate our nasal passages. We shall get this done however. I feel certain in my mind that many people go through the same ordeal.

Our life does go on.


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