Playing Dress Up~~What Where & Why?

This picture was taken years ago at the Greentown Community Center in Greentown, Ohio. You might question why Russ and I are dressed funny. Years ago a group of us played Irish, Old Time Appalachian and French Canadian or Cape Breton style music at a Contra Dance that was held there about once a month. We really loved doing this. We could take a break and join in the dancing from time to time.

The hall had what could be called a good floor. It was wood and it resounded with sounds from the feet of the dancers.  

The entrance fee for dancers was quite reasonable so a good crowd of dancers usually showed up. Refreshments were also what could be called cheap. Cider and cookies always seemed to please the dancers. The band group never really made a profit on these dances. After paying the caller and buying the refreshments and renting the hall there was little left over. It was just FUN.

Once a year we would have what we called the dress up dance and the band members would dress in odd and sometimes absurd ways to make things a bit more fun. I played the fiddle and Russ played a button box accordion.


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