Summer Blast

Our hemlocks self prune in the Fall. They have spread to cover large areas with shade. At times we wish that the entire yard were woods. Maybe that would be a good goal. Next year we could plant more trees.

It was cooler on Saturday when we returned from our short Pennsylvania trip. When we stepped out of the van we could hear music. In fact it was difficult not to hear the music. A city organized Labor Day event was being held at  Stow Silver Springs Park which is about 3/4 of a mile from our home. The constant thumping of the instruments that played bass could be heard even inside of our brick house. Usually the thick walls block out outside noises. The sound outside was so loud that we did not wish to stay out there to do any work. At 9:30 PM the fireworks started and we thought maybe that was the end. But after the fireworks finale the rock music continued. It seemed to be louder than ever. At 11 PM the music abruptly stopped.

This morning when we passed the park entrance at 5 AM the large digital sign was still lit up. It read:


 We thought of our friends who live directly across from the park and wondered how they fared through all this. It seems to be a growing trend to amplify concert music much more than is needed. Those who live closer to the park than we do had to be almost in pain.

Stow actually has a noise ordinance and if an individual rather than a city had held an event at this volume they would have probably received a citation. We highly value our ability to still be able to hear fairly well and have left concerts both in auditoriums and outside that have amplified the music to the point of us not being comfortable with the volume. We have also left a couple of wedding receptions. We did explain why we were leaving at all of these but that certainly won't change how the music will be played at any of these events. What is the point of staying at a function if you have to shout at the person next to you and they still can't hear you. It is certain that all of our protests about this problem have fallen on DEAF EARS.

You can read more about hearing loss and loud music by clicking on the link below.


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