Fun & Games in Kent Ohio 1940s & 1950s

We had no TV at all until I was 10 years old. There were no neighborhood playgrounds close to our home on Wolcott Ave. in Kent, Ohio. Fun was where you found it and outside game rules were at the discretion of those who played. The equipment for these games did not cost a thing.

Hide and Seek was very popular and best played near dusk since you could hide in the shadows. One person was selected as IT by whatever means the players decided to use that evening. That person was to put his head down on the place designated as HOME which was usually a tree that was chosen because of the location.  IT had to close his eyes and count to 100 to give the players a chance to find their favorite hiding place. Then the familiar "coming ready or not" words were shouted by IT. The hiders had to be very crafty. Being able to move fast was an asset. Players were not allowed to leave our large yard but they could move around as IT hunted for them. If they could run in and tag home they were safe. If you were found and  got tagged by the person who was IT you were the new IT and "alli alli in free" was shouted. A new game started over at HOME.

 Why was this so fun?  It was the interaction with friends and neighbors that was the fun part.

Apple flinging was another really fun thing to do in the Fall. We had a large old apple tree in our yard that only produced small size red gnarled wormy apples. These were the ammunition. A flexible stick had to be found. It could not be too brittle or it would break under the strain. A half rotten apple with lots of worms was the best ammo. It loaded easily on the end of the stick because it had a soft spot. You would then fling the apple at your brothers, sisters and friends. It was best to wear long pants and long sleeves. The apples really stung if they actually hit you and the rotten fruits would splatter all over you. How did we not get seriously injured doing this. I'm not sure but we had a good time.

Hopscotch was popular with the girls. A hop scotch grid could be drawn on the sidewalk in front of the house. If you did not have chalk a soft stone drew an adequate outline. A flat stone was used as the marker. Hopping on one foot was a great exercise and required superb balance.


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