On Being Neutral

One of our daughters-in-law has a great blog on her hand made ceramic art tile website. She also uses blogger.com which is a free service from Google. Her blog is how I found blogger. I was hesitant to try writing a blog because my only experience is writing would be the descriptions that I have written to put items for sale on ebay for the last 12 years. These descriptions are what can be best be described as very bland and neutral. This neutral mode of writing has been very effective for selling.

The only training that I have for writing anything interesting and useful is from a college course in writing effective business letters. These letters had to state the facts, get to the point and suggest an action. This had to be done in a neutral manner using language and words that could be easily read and understood.  The words could not be inflammatory or accusatory.

You could not say:
You can call me at this number.
You should send us $100 now!

You had to say:
Please call this number between 8 AM and 5 PM Monday through Friday.
Please send a payment of $100 to this address.

This leaves out the words I, you and me. Do I talk this way too? Maybe! This blog is just a way to keep family posted on some of the daily activities at this household. The sentence before this one and this one also are just too neutral.

Staying in neutral and coasting on in.


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