$40,000 Later

We have waited two years for the dirt over the 180 foot sewer line from the road to the house to settle. The soil has now been pulverized and seeded. Fresh straw is spread on top and daily watering will be done. We do need some rain to make that grass grow.

If I ever feel like reliving the sordid $40,000 sewer line installation story you will see the details. At this moment those details can just stay buried as deep as the 12 foot deep sewer line that we were forced to put in along the road where we have 539 feet of frontage. We had to install a sewer line along the road on half of that frontage length and half of the property, 45 feet,  that was next to ours. After all that we got to put the long line into the line that goes out from our home. This expensive sewer gets the "stuff"  moved to the river faster.


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