Spiders Do Not Like It When We Clean the Basement!

Cleaning the basement can be unsettling at times. I have written about our giant basement spiders before but this spider certainly was one of the very largest that I have ever seen down there. The wood piece that this wolf spider has two of its legs resting on is 2" wide. I think this could definitely be called a large spider for Ohio. I was startled when I spied this one resting above the well housing in the basement within a couple of feet from my head. It is always a surprise to see them even though I know that they are hiding everywhere in our house. There are plenty of places in our older house for them to live. In the last 40 plus years that we have lived here we have always had sightings of these big spiders. These non-paying residents do keep other insects from overtaking the house so I guess that is somewhat of a payback. I thought that this one had escaped the broom but my husband saw it limping across the floor the next day and put an end to the suffering. Though we don't often see them in the rooms above the basement it always scares me when I get up at night and see one on the floor in the hallway to the bathroom or anywhere that I might put my bare foot. There are certainly many more in the house just waiting to surprise me. 


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