Mr. Fixit Breaks out in Cold Sweat

Mr. Fix-it, aka Russ, breaks out in a cold sweat whenever going shopping for something new is mentioned. "I'll fix the old machine!" he said when a new washing machine was mentioned. He quickly armed himself with a screwdriver and pulled the front of the Maytag washer away from the body. Looks pretty simple inside. Might as well have a wringer washer. The two belts felt loose so he whipped those off and proclaimed that he had found part of the problem. We will look for a source for those belts this week. The other part of the problem could be that the filters on the water intake and discharge hoses are just about completely clogged. We do hope that these simple fixes will keep this 24 year old machine working. Now how will we spend all the money that we will save if this works?


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