Free College Tuition For Residents in Georgia

Our oldest granddaughter will graduate from Georgia State University later this year. Residents of Georgia are lucky enough to be able to get free tuition through the Hope scholarship to this school and other state colleges if they maintain a certain GPA. The lottery sales in the state are used to fund this. We are so happy that our grandchildren live in a state that values the education of the citizens and has this great program. The university is in downtown Atlanta next to the major highway. See picture taken from that road.  

It would be wonderful if all states were able to figure out the value of doing this. In Ohio we see only constantly rising tuition for residents. Also rising are our property taxes to support local schools. Not sure where all the lottery money goes here but the schools are in constant need. Our recent trip to the Atlanta area to attend the high school graduation of our youngest granddaughter brought this into my mind again making me wonder all over again. Why do Georgia and some other states have enough money to do this?  


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