Rain at Last ~ Post Holes Dug ~ Frogs Saved First

Mr. Fixit is so full of compassion. He checked the rain water that had accumulated at the bottom of the partially dug post holes in the back yard before starting to drill again. There were a number of frogs and toads who had made their way into the holes either for the water that we had poured in them during the dry weather or by mistake. The trapped animals were carefully dipped out and released. We were extremely happy that there was some rain yesterday as our area is down by at least 5 inches of rain for the year. Everything looks refreshed today. It is going to be very hot this week so our plants and trees may still need extra attention and water. 

The post holes are done now and about 30" deep. Gooey clay mud lays around the top of each of the holes. The drilling of these holes is an important step toward erecting the old iron fence. 


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