A Shade Border at the Top of the Driveway
Our driveway is U shaped making it easy to get in and out of the drive without having a turnaround. The top of the driveway offers plenty of parking without being in the way of the garage doors. The area next to the drive within the U shape is getting shadier with the passage of time and growth of trees and shrubs. Therefore I will be developing a wide border of shade plants and ground covers in the strip that runs along the drive at that spot. Seen above is a rotting stump with violets, ajuga, hosta, may apple, ground ivy, moss and other assorted native wild plants brightening the area. Ground covers seem to do well in this heavy dense soil that is in this part of the yard. There will be a lot more work to do to make this garden look good. I would like to add some ferns. There are some ferns down toward the swamp but when I checked them out today I found that the whole area around them is infested with poison ivy. I had a very bad case of poison ivy a number of years ago...