Hike and Bike Trail Littered by Environmental Slobs

Hike and Bike Trail Littered by Environmental Slobs

I feel that throwing plastic milk jugs, plastic bags and drink bottles off the edges of the bike trail is negligent and should be a considered a littering violation by the law. What were the people who did this thinking?  Do they have maids at home that follow them around and pick up after them? The Metro parks workers do blow leaves from the pavement on the trail. They also cut up trees that fall across the path. I have yet to see them picking up the trash that is along the way. 

Remnants of a plastic bag flop in the breeze high in a tree. See second picture. It would be difficult to reach that one but the remaining trash is unsightly and environmentally unfriendly. We pick up everything that is blown into or thrown on our property. I often wonder if the people who do this have spotless homes or if they are real slobs. 

Most of the leaves have fallen now and the woods are drab looking but the little late blooming daisy still lights up my garden with a bright yellow color.  


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