A Dusting of Snow and A Rare Happening

We got just a light dusting of snow last night or early this morning. The moon lit up the yard so brightly last night that I could see clear to the woodpile so those clouds must have come along more towards morning. 

As I shopped in the Target store this morning a boy that was probably around 9 or 10 years of age came through aisle alone and as he passed by he said excuse me in a very courteous manner. There was plenty of room to get by me as I am pretty careful to not hog the aisle space. How refreshing it was to encounter a young person with manners. That's not all though. As I checked out I accidentally dropped a quarter. Another young man of about 13 or 14 reached down and retrieved it and handed it to me in kindly way. 

Was I in LA LA land or what. Usually the young people tear around the stores knocking into carts and people without more than saying WHOOPS. Older people can be even worse. They stand clear across the aisle and act annoyed if you want by them. 

Obviously there are still some parents who are raising their children to be responsible and courteous. I applaud them today. 


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