Planting Trees with Grandchildren
Jordan's Tree
Jordan and Russ planted the beautiful tulip poplar shown above 6 years ago in the Spring. It was a small tree that was found in the woods. Transplanting it seemed like a good idea. Jordan borrowed a pair of my boots as the ground in front of the barn was a bit muddy at the time. The bottom of the tree trunk was slightly crooked with some additional sprouts coming out around the bottom. The tree did well that first year and sent out some nice growth. The second year was not a good year. A buck decided to use it as a rub and the bark on the tree was rubbed off clear around the tree by his antlers. This girdling of the trunk killed the top of the tree. Russ cut the tree back as there was a healthy sprout near the crooked bottom. That sprout took off and and grew. In spite of the big setback the tree has thrived and it is now tall, straight and beautiful.
Kelsey's Tree
I don't have a picture of Russ and Kelsey planting the maple tree shown below. It has done very well since planted and it is a gorgeous tree. When we walk around the yard and see these trees it reminds us of our granddaughters.
As time has passed they have also grown and thrived.