Rain at Last & Other Things
It has been very dry here for the last few months and at last today one of the promised rain storms panned out and gave us some precipitation. Severe weather was predicted.
We did get some high winds but our area did not seem to be in the path of the worse of the storm. The rain may replenish some of the ground water.
The leaves were flying when the wind came through this area. There is something about that leafless state of the trees that we really don't like. When developers built the large allotment across the street they cut down nearly every tree in the woods except some that are right along the road. All Summer the leaves on those trees hide the back sides of the huge houses from our view. Now that the leaves are gone the lights from cars coming down the cul-de-sac across from our living room window are now able shine directly on us unless we close the curtains.
The residents of that allotment probably don't like to look at our older and smaller home either. They may be blogging at this very moment saying how they hate looking at the older house across the street.