A Visit From One of Our Twin Neighbors

We got a visit from Harold, one of the 87 year old twin neighbors, a couple of days ago. He noticed that we had cut the apple tree that had been next to the driveway and he wanted some apple wood.. The tree was in great danger of falling and was leaning more and more all the time. The base of the tree was split and the bark was falling off.  It was time for this very old tree to be removed. 

Evidently apple wood is a good wood to use in meat  smokers. These pieces will be used to make some smoked barbecued ribs. Sounds good to me. Harold rides his tractor around the block and picks up the trash that seems to accumulate by the roadside in ever increasing amounts. He carries a pole with a hook to pick up the cans. Keeping busy is a good thing at any age. 


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