A Fast & Unexpected Ride Home ~ Another life Adventure

Mr. Fixit had recently made some repairs to the old 1971 camper van. We took a 40 mile round trip last week and there were no evident problems. Last evening we headed toward the Pennsylvania line on what would be a 100 mile round trip. Forty miles into the trip the van gave out a couple of coughs as the engine missed. OH OH! Those sounds stopped for a while as we continued on our way. Then suddenly the van was lurching as the engine missed and backfired loudly as it blew out the muffler. We were so glad to see that were were near an off ramp as we were on a busy interstate. We made it almost to the top of the ramp before the vehicle ceased running. 

Mr. Fixit always carries extra parts and tools so thinking that it might be an easy fix he pulled the cap off the engine which is inside of the van in the front and went to work. After a few new parts and tries it was decided that we would call the hook. AAA put us on their priority list as we were in a precarious place. 

Semis that were exiting I80 were within a foot of our van as they came to the light just ahead. Some of them sped up to make the light. The noise from the giant trunks was unnerving. 

It only took about 30 minutes for the big flatbed truck to show up. Another 15 minutes was spent loading and securing the van. Tow truck drivers seem to have no restrictions when it comes to speed on the interstate. It was a very speedy and nerve wracking ride to say the least. We were both glad to see the lights of home. The van will need more work before it can be taken on the next long ride. 

We are thankful that we were able to get to a spot off of the interstate before the van stopped. Also we are thankful that the tow came in a short time and that we had AAA coverage for the tow. It was a bit cool waiting in the van but the weather was not terribly cold. The tow truck driver, though he drove faster than we would like,  was actually a very nice young family man who works for the tow company at night and is going to college full time at YSU to get a degree in chemical engineering. 

We did not reach our destination but made an appointment to go today and all went well. It was a beautiful day. 


Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I am glad you made it home safely! AAA is a great thing to have.

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