Cracks Revealed in the Marketplace

It was the Lions Club Carnation Day again. I found a dozen beautiful carnations at my back door when I arrived home from the store this morning. This year there were some beautiful yellow flowers along with red, dark pink and medium pink carnations. 

This last week has left me wondering about employers. Do they wander around their stores during business hours to check on how the employees are doing or how they are dressed. This week I endured the highly offensive butt crack reveal in two different stores. ARGH!  Certainly a person can feel the draft when they bend over and 3 to 4 inches of their butt crack is exposed to anyone who happens to be in the area. 

I am reminded of the handyman skit on Saturday Night Live in which Dan Aykroyd is the handyman. It ends with him pulling his pen from his butt crack which has been exposed through most of the segment. It is funny only in that it is so true. 


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