Destination JUNK YARD~A Fall Leaf Color Tour

Our destination this morning was a junkyard in northern Portage County. The junkyard did have the one part that was needed to repair our 1981 Suburban. The part we needed is no longer made new so a used part was the only option. 

The leaves, especially the maples, have turned breathtaking colors. Some trees were iridescent orange and red colors. We traveled down back roads to get to our destination. The sky was dark and rain was on the way. We did finish our tour before any rain fell. The little used back roads were great places to be early in the day as we could travel at our own rate and enjoy the scenery. 

The Spring in our area was extremely wet. The Summer was too dry and too hot. Now that we are into Fall the weather seems more normal though a bit wetter than usual. The trees are extremely pretty this year. They will most likely reach the peak colors a bit early. 


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